As a basic application for finding similar words, Nisus Thesaurus for Mac adds some functions that most users would find helpful, especially those who are writers. Its features add to those for spelling correction, already present in most Mac writing applications.
Nisus Thesaurus for Mac downloads as a ZIP archive with no installation needed. The program's main menu lacks graphics or creative design. Fortunately, its main search bar is at the top of the window, which is where most similar programs have them located. After entering a word and clicking the "Search" button, the program brings up word options. A left-hand menu organizes them by category, while a right-hand menu lists the individual words. Above the words, additional descriptions further organize the results. Clicking on individual words displays a full definition in an additional lower box. Information shown includes the pronunciation and word origins in addition to the meaning. Users can see the results of prior searches by clicking a drop-down arrow in the search box. The program returns results quickly and extensively, which is a big plus for this type of application. Additionally, this application seems to integrate well with services-enabled applications such as Safari, enabling users to look up selected words right from the Services menu.
As a thesaurus application, Nisus Thesaurus for Mac works well, despite its basic interface. This application will be welcomed by writers and content creators who need to quickly retrieve multiple words with the same meaning.
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